Historyworks delivers top quality media products for museums, galleries, archives, libraries, community groups, academics, schools, colleges, universities, radio and television companies.

Historyworks supports the practice and theory of Public History in the UK by promoting education programmes and partnerships. Historyworks bridges the gap between knowledge and public engagement with creativity and impact. 

Historyworks produces made-to-measure documentary films, radio programmes, podcasts, vodcasts, stills, sound installations, websites, apps, radio and tv tasters and show reels.

Historyworks is leading an inspirational public art project to share historical sources about Cambridge's people & places featuring the poet Michael Rosen alongside composers, rappers, singers, sound artists, film makers, curated @ Creating My Cambridge


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Recent projects

Projects: Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

For commemorating genocides and marking Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 in Cambridge, there will be a ... » more

Projects: The Story of the Eagle Foundry & Headly Engineering Works & Coprolite Mining talk by Helen Weinstein

The Story of the Eagle Foundry & Headly Engineering Works & Coprolite Mining talk by Helen Weinstein

THE STORY OF THE HEADLY FOUNDRY & ENGINEERING WORKS Please come along to an llustrated ... » more

Projects: History Tour for Community around IronWorks

History Tour for Community around IronWorks

Helen Weinstein, Director of HistoryWorks in her role as Community Historian for IronWorks, will lead ... » more

Projects: Refugee Week

Refugee Week

VOICES OF HOPE AND HEALING BY MICHAEL ROSEN ‘Voices of Hope & Healing’ is a ... » more